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The school is one of the most important educational institutions that the community relies on to raise awareness of the risks and damages that can be caused to individuals as a result of falling into the pitfalls of crime in general and drugs in particular. Therefore, most communities have attached great importance to schools with regard to their ability to prevent those risks.                                                                                                   

If the responsibility for addressing the problem of drug abuse is a matter that rests with all the systems of society without exception, then the educational system, especially the school, comes on top of these systems with regard to the need to play a more effective role in confronting the problem of drugs, as one of the educational institutions that can take The procedures and programs are what helps them to prevent children from falling into the dangers of drug abuse and addiction.                                                               

In view of the executive roles that the school plays, it deals with educational practices and official instructions on a daily basis, and in light of the modern view of the school as a productive institution that prepares the good citizen and provides him with culture, knowledge, experiences, values and trends that are compatible with the degree of his growth, the importance of the school in its ability to do The preventive role of confronting drugs and protecting young people from its dangers, by focusing on the cognitive or cognitive side, which includes (concepts, facts, principles), the emotional side, which includes (inclinations, attitudes, and values), and the skill or psychomotor side, which includes (confidence, persuasion, and response).                                          

From this point of view, the school becomes able to play an effective role in achieving preventive education for its students, through the school elements represented by the teacher, curricula, school activities, school administration, and the student advisor as well. In the following, we will discuss the roles that can be played through these elements in order for the school to be able to carry out its duty towards protecting its students from drugs.                                                                                                     

1-Practicing sports that help build character, create in the student a spirit of self-confidence and challenge obstacles, and strengthen the will so that a person can reject wrong things.                                                                                                                

 2-Paying attention to cultural activities related to addiction, such as cartoons, wall magazines, and morning speeches on school radio, which address the issue of addiction from its various aspects in quick short messages, as well as artistic, social and recreational activities such as trips and parties that exploit energies in useful matters, and highlight their abilities and distinction. It helps them discover their talents.              

 3-Awareness through school curricula, as well as by holding cultural seminars to educate students. Informing them of the forces of evil that aim to destroy young people, and immunizing them with correct information in the manner of “I know your enemy” with a commitment to credibility and avoidance of exaggeration or underestimation. They live with drugs and live, and also hold dialogue sessions with parents to inform them of the problems facing their children.                                                                     

 4-Organizing seminars for psychologists, social workers and teachers on how to discover early cases and direct them to treatment.                                                         

 5-Forming school groups to combat addiction, and these groups receive appropriate training to discover early cases, and may include some students who have fallen into addiction and have been treated and recovered. Students have the ability to penetrate the ranks of their colleagues and know their conditions, and convince them to start the treatment journey, especially that students Addiction survivors set a successful example to others.                                                                                                                      

6-Paying attention to cases of evasion and absenteeism from school, inquiring about the reasons that led to this, and notifying parents so that they can participate effectively in observing their children.                                                                                                

7-Paying attention to cases of academic delays that may lead to frustration and falling into addiction, and cooperating with the family in order to solve the problems encountered in such cases.

8-Monitoring the gates of schools and nearby corners, where some boys and sometimes some students distribute drugs to them.                                                                           


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